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2017 Ravenna Downtown Events



Thursday, September 14th

Children's Parade 
Sponsored by McDonald's of Ravenna 


5:30 p.m. Registration Begins 
Corner of Prospect & Spruce Street

6:30 p.m. Parade steps off 
Ronald McDonald & His Magic Show to perform after parade 
Awards & Goody Bags


Friday, September 15th

Community Kick-Off Breakfast 
Immaculate Conception Hall 
Catered by Innovative Elegance 
7:30 a.m.


Immaculate Conception Hall 
251 W. Spruce Ave., Ravenna, OH 44266 
(Reservations Required by TBA)


Saturday, September 16th

Balloon A-Fair Grand Parade 
Theme 'Miracles in the Sky' 


7:00 a.m. Parade Line-up 

9:00 a.m. Parade Steps off


BAF Festival:
Opening Ceremony 
Awards Ceremony 
Live Entertainment & Demonstrations 
Crafts, Displays & Food Booths

Children's Alley - Designed especially for children 
Children's Stage & Nolan's Amusement Rides 
Crafts Booths & Games




SUNBEAU Valley Farm Events



Saturday, September 16th

4:00 p.m. Gates Open to Public


Saturday's Main Stage Entertainment 
Merchant & Craft Section
Playland Amusement Concessions, 
Nolan's Amusement Rides

Paratus Air - Helicopter Rides 

5:30 p.m. Balloon Lift-Off


Dusk - Laser Show by Lightwave International


Sunday, September 17th

9:00 a.m. Gates Open to Public


5:30 p.m. Balloon Lift-Off

Paratus Air - Helicopter Rides


The Balloon A-Fair is held rain or shine

All hot-air balloon lift-offs and fireworks are weather permitting

Entrance fees are non-refundable

No pets of any kind are allowed downtown Ravenna
and at SUNBEAU Valley Farm during the festival. (Only working
dogs are permitted). No bicycles, skates, skateboards are allowed
during the festival.


Daily admission to SUNBEAU Valley Farm is $5.00. Children 12
and under are admitted free with a paid adult.

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